新唐人记者秦雪 李元翰 萧宇 采访报导
18th CCP Congress Elections: Deceiving Scene for Power Struggle
Recently, the CCP Central Committee announced thatthe total number of
delegates for the 18th CCP Congress willincrease to 2270, and the ratio of
additional candidates will bemore than 15% for a more competitive contested
election.Despite that the party media has boasted about"improved democracy"
within the CCP,many non-party media said the change is just a show
todeceive the world and itself.In fact, all the candidates are nominated by
different levels ofparty committees, and the whole election process is
strictly controlled.The final list of party leaders results from power
struggle anddeals for self-interest within the CCP, and is never born out
of real elections.
According to the Organization Department of the CCP,the delegate groups for
the 18th CCP Congressincreased to 40 from 38 andthe total delegate number
increased by 53.The ratio of additional candidates is now required to
be"more than 15%".Compared with the 17th CCP Congress which required the
ratioto be "no less than 15%",the only difference is that there will be
another candidatefrom each delegate group.Hong Kong's Apple Daily remarked
that, though some partyscholars try to mark this change as evidence
of"improved democracy" within the party and even nationally,the election
procedure for party delegates is not competitive at all.So these scholars'
words are only wishful or deceiving oneswhich do not match the reality.
Beijing scholar on constitutionalism, Chen Yongmiao, saidthat there's no
essential change behind the "improved contested election" in the18th CCP
Chen Yongmiao:" Unless the CCP announces to reform itspolitical regime, or
to carry out national elections,nobody will care about the ratio of
additionalcandidates in the CCP Congress, whether 15% or 30%.If it (the
CCP) says that now the election within the partyis a democratic one,then we
could assume that there must betons of inside stories like deals between
power and money."
There have been some famous party members who failed inthe delegacy
elections, including Bo Xilai, the CCP secretary in Chongqing.He once
failed in the elections in Liaoning province.However, these failures didn't
really stop them from their political careers.What's more, the Constitution
of the CCP never regulates thatthe central committee can only be chosen
within party delegates.
Chen Yongmiao:"All these so-called public electionsare carried out after
the party has made its decision on the delegate list as toglorify
itself.Essentially the party would never be subject to any election.All the
nominations are definitely enforced by the party and its organizations."
Another special thing in the 18th CCP Congress is that it is aclear
requirement to "recommend party members from workers,peasants and
specialists as priority delegate candidates."
The Apple Daily quoted comments revealing that, thisrequirement is from Xi
Jinpingwho would like the CCP to return to its self-proclaimed roleas
"pioneers of the workers and peasants".
On the other hand, Jiang Zemin's "Three Represents" whichhas been
incorporated into the Constitution of the CCP, allows entrepreneurs tojoin
the party.For example, the Chinese media reported that the richest manin
China, CCP party member andowner of SANY Group Company Ltd., Liang
Wengen,is expected to be promoted into the CCP central committee.
Voice of America quoted veteran party members who saidthat the CCP violates
its own principle when it allows entrepreneursand capitalists to join the
party;now the Chinese "communist" party actually has nothing to do with its
Wu Fan (The editor-in-chief of China Affairs):"When Jiang's "Three
Presents" was incorporated into the CCP's theory,which allows the
capitalists to join the party, wouldn't it becontradictory with
Marxism-Leninism or Mao's theories?Now the CCP's theory is completely in a
mess.Is it a capitalist party? It is not.The capitalists should believe in
fair play and free elections.Could you find these things in the CCP's
regime? The answer is no."
According to a report on the Boxun website, inside sourcesclose to Hu
Jintao revealed thatall the Crown Prince Party members would failin the
democratic elections even within the party.Historical records have shown
that, for every party election,the last several candidates who got the
poorest votes always come from the CrownPrince Party.Even for Xi Jinping
and Bo Xilai,they also ranked badly in the elections.
Under such conditions, the party media are still boasting of"improved
contested elections and democracy within the party", or the
"advancedpolitical quality of party members".
Executive Director of the Global Quit CCP Service Center,Li Dayong said
that due to being struck by the widespread impact of Quitting theCCP,little
morale is left within the party; all the changes whichthe CCP has made are
only to delay its breakup.
Li Dayong:"The CCP changes all the time to strengthen itsleading role, or
to hold fast on its leading role. That's what it lives for.However, these
changes sometimes make people believe in theillusion that the CCP could
become better.I think all of them still need to clarify themselves about
thetrue evilness of the CCP."
Hong Kong's Chengming magazine wrote in November 2011that currently China
is full of social conflicts, corrupted officials, andrampant
privilege.There is serious polarization between the rich and poor;Chinese
people are becoming more aware of protecting theirown legal rights; more
scholars are requiring freedom of speech;the critics on the internet are
becoming unparalleled intensive.All these situations will surely lead the
18th CCP Congress to focuson how to strengthen its dictatorship regime
rather than anything else.
NTD reporters Qin Xue, Li Yuanhan and Xiao Yu 2011-11-04